As an executive coach, he sees managers collapse several issues into one large mess, so he often asks them to remove the emotion, the anxiety and start untangling things, bit by bit. 作为一名高管培训师,他经常看到有的经理人因为某几个问题就陷入全面的混乱。所以,他经常要求他们抛开所有情绪和焦虑,然后开始一点一点地理清形势,解决问题。
You can start exploring a bit more simply by typing man curl at your command prompt to display the complete usage information for the curl command. 您只需在命令提示符处键入mancurl显示curl命令的完整使用信息,就可以开始了解更多内容。
I'm going to take this opportunity to explain the way the process works, but first let me start off by giving a bit of history. 借此机会,我将解释该过程是怎样进行的,但首先请允许我介绍一点历史。
Now that you have an object-oriented interface to SNMP, you can start interrogating your local machine a bit 既然已经有一个面向对象的SNMP接口,那么您就可以开始向本地计算机进行询问
Don't ask, I say, but then I start talking and tell him every bit of it, concluding with, And worst of all, I can't stop obsessing over David. 别问吧,我说,而后却说了起来,我一五一十地告诉他,最后还说,最糟的是,我没办法停止对大卫的迷恋。
Then start with something a bit easier to pull off like Carrie's simple and chic Katharine Kidd design. 那就从容易点的开始穿上像凯莉那样的简单别致的凯瑟琳•基德的设计服。
Instead of aiming so impossibly high, the graduates of 2013 would do better to start a bit lower. 2013年的毕业生与其好高骛远,不如把起步的目标放低点可能更好。
We have to start believing you a little bit now. 你得让我们能相信你。
I can start helping by contributing my personal little bit. 我可以从一点一滴做起,贡献自己的力量。
I often start to feel a bit peckish around mid-morning. 我经常在上午10点左右开始觉得有点饿。
These connections start coming a bit more networked in the second century also. 这些联系在二世纪,也开始变得更紧密。
You start to look a little bit like your old self. 你开始看起来有点象以前的你了。
One immediate benefit is that universities can start planning for the future with a bit more certainty. 一个即时的好处是:大学现在有稍多的确定因素来开始规划未来了。
From this humble beginning he climbed to a position at the very top Communication frames begin with a start bit and end with a stop bit. 他从这个卑微的起点开始,终于爬上很高的地位。串口通讯以起始位开始,以终止位结束。
For my nieces 'generation it will be a great-grandparent, so the links start to attenuate a bit-most New Zealanders now are pretty firmly rooted in their country. 对我侄子那一代人来说,就像是与曾祖父母之间的关系了,所以,这种联系开始有点弱化了&现在,大多数新西兰人都牢牢地扎根在自己的国家。
However, now that both have done it, and now the Lloyds boss appears to be entirely recovered, things may start to get a bit easier for others. 不过,既然他们两个都这样做了,而劳合社的老总似乎已完全恢复了过来,其他人再要效仿可能会变得容易一点儿。
Communication frames begin with a start bit and end with a stop bit. 串口通讯以起始位开始,以终止位结束。
A0 bit is represented by an impulse followed by a pause; a1 bit is a pause followed by an impulse; a start or stop bit is a pair of impulses. 表示一单位脉冲加上一单位暂停;1则为一单位暂停加上一单位脉冲;起始或结束位元,则为两单位脉冲。
Let us emulate Mother Teresa in giving up the earthshaking undertakings; let us assume the attitude of "like a willing ox with head bowed", and let us start the service bit by bit! 让我们像特蕾萨修女一样,放弃那些惊天动地的伟大创举,以“俯首甘为孺子牛”的精神,从一点一滴开始做起吧!
So will I now lurch out of neutral and start revving up my personal brand a bit? 那么现在我就要走出中立者的行列,开始加速个人品牌的建设吗?
Open glass to vent position. Communication frames begin with a start bit and end with a stop bit. 打开玻璃至通风口位置。串口通讯以起始位开始,以终止位结束。
So, this will be a little bit more like a seminar to start with, and a little bit less like a lecture in class. 所以着看起来有点像是讨论课,而不是讲课。
Well, all of that might in fact be the goal but it's when you start hearing things like this hopefully that you at least start to grimace a little bit. 这是我们的目标,但实际上当你开始听到这样的事情,你可能开始愁闷苦脸了。
So, normally at this point, we do actually start class with a little bit of history from alchemy to modern chemistry, but I decided to skip that this year. 通常在这个时候,我们要从一些从炼金术,到现代化学的历史出发正式开始我们的课程。
She might start it a little bit late. 那她可以晚一点学。
And it also point out that the angle of chamfer and the accuracy design of chamfer start bit are very important to the whole design. 本文介绍滚刀倒角角度和倒角起始点的精确设计与计算方法。
Compared with the method of serial communication using special ports, this method has some advantages, such as changed frame length, no start bit and stop bit, so the communication ability of the communication system improved greatly. 此串行通信的方法与单片机的专用串行通信口相比,它传输的帧长度可变,而且,不需要启始位与停止位等开销.增加了单片机的通信能力。
A internal finite state machine controls the parallel – to-serial data transmitting process of transmitter module. The start bit, parity bit and stop bit are automatic added without user intervention. 发送模块在内部有限状态机的控制下将并行数据串行发出,并在发送数据的两端添加起始位、校验位和停止位。
Xinjiang countryside informationization construction limited by many aspects, such as multi-language, environment and funds, The start is a little bit late, The development is slower compared with some other provinces in China, it has a certain margin. 新疆农村信息化建设因为受到多民族语言、地理环境及资金等方面制约,起步较晚,发展较慢,与国内一些省份相比,具有一定的差距。